Answered By: Sally Ellis
Last Updated: Sep 19, 2024     Views: 44

Borrowing From the Library

With an accepted form of ID, students can borrow materials and resources from the RCC Library, including books, films, reserve materials or laptops. Keep in mind that fines or fees may apply for any borrowed materials that are not returned on time.

Check-Out Limits


  • Books: Students can check out up to 20 books from the Main Stacks at a time.
  • Reserves: One reserve item at a time.
  • Laptops: One laptop at a time.

Community Borrowers

Community Borrowers pay $5 per academic session to activate their library cards.

  • Books: Community borrowers may check out up to 5 books from the Main Stacks at a time.
  • Community borrowers cannot check out reserve (course) materials or technology.

Loan Periods

  • General Collection (Main Stacks): Semester
  • Reserve Collection: End of Day
  • Reference Collection: Library Use Only
  • Laptops, Calculators, Chemistry kits: Semester 

Checking Out Library Materials

If you're borrowing from the RCC Library, make sure you know what forms of ID are accepted, how renewals and holds work, and what overdue fines and replacement fees are for materials.

Accepted Forms of ID

  • A legal international, federal, state or college identification is required to borrow material.
  • Digital IDs accessed from official government apps are accepted.
  • Screenshots of IDs do not constitute a legal form of ID. 

Book Renewals

  • Most books are due back to the library on their due date.
  • Please call (951) 222-8651 to see if your books can be renewed.

Placing Holds

  • You may place a hold for a book that is checked out, and you will be notified when it's available.
  • Books awaiting pickup will be held for 5 days.

Fines for Overdue Materials

You will receive overdue notices when your item is overdue. If you return an item late, fines accrue each day the library is open. To avoid fines, turn materials in on time.

  • Main Stack Books & Media: $1/day for each item
  • Textbooks, Zoom Kits, Headphones, Bone Boxes & Skeletons: $1/hour
  • Laptops, Calculators & Chemistry kits: $1/day

Replacement Fees

If an item isn't returned, it will be considered "lost" after one day overdue. A bill will be issued which includes overdue fines and the replacement cost of the item. If an item is returned within a year from the date that the replacement bill was issued, the replacement cost of the item will be refunded. The overdue fines will not be refunded.

  • Replacement fees for books, laptops and hourly items vary
  • Lost fees for laptop chargers are $25

Returning Library Materials

All items can be returned to the Check Out desk on the 2nd floor when the Library is open. Plan ahead to return laptops in person during open hours.

When we are closed:

  • Return books, calculators, and molecular model kits using the outdoor Book Drop at the base of the exterior stairs.
  • For laptops, contact or call (951) 222-8651 ahead of time to arrange a return. Please do not drop laptops in the Book Drop.
